Katoomba Sound - Speaker Switch Owners Manual (SPKR7)

ContentsNoticesGetting StartedQuick Start GuideSpeaker WiringNetwork SetupGeneral SetupAdvanced SetupOperatingProgrammers GuideSoftware Release NotesHelp

Operating the Speaker Switch

Once the speaker switch is configured and available on your network, using the speaker switch is easy. If your speaker switch is not available on your network, or you don't know how to access it, see the Network Setup section.

To operate your speaker switch, the following is needed:

1. The URL of the speaker switch. If you do not know the URL, see the Network Setup. section.
2. A mobile phone with an Internet browser or a computer device with an Internet browser.
3. The speakers that were intended for use with the speaker switch need to be correctly connected to the speaker switch speaker terminals. If the speakers are not connected, see the Speaker Wiring section.
4. An amplifier with a sound source must be connected to the speaker switch input terminals. 5. The speaker switch should be powered on (start up takes approximately 1 minute).

Access the Main Page

Open the browser that you intend to use to access the speaker switch. Then enter the speaker switch URL into the browser and press the "Enter" button. Your browser should load the main page. An example URL is: When you successfully connect, you should see a page similar to the one shown below. This page gives you access to controls for the speakers numbered 1-4. In the page shown below, the speakers are named, or labeled, "Family Room", "Living Room", "The Kitchen", and "The Basement". You can turn each speaker (stereo pair) on or off by pressing the corresponding button. You can also switch over to the secondary page. The secondary page allows control over the speaker (stereo pair) numbered 5-7. To access the secondary page, press the "Speakers 5-7" button.
Index Page
NOTE: The "Settings" button is seen in the page shown above. You might prefer that it is not shown. If it is hidden it is less likely that other users will change the speaker switch settings. To set up the option that will hide the "Settings" button, go to the General Setup - Options. page.

Access the Secondary Page

When you successfully switch to the secondary page, you should see a page similar to the one shown below. This page gives you access to controls for the speakers numbered 5-7. In the page shown below, the speakers are named, or labeled, "The Loft", "The Pool", and "The Den". You can turn each speaker (stereo pair) on or off by pressing the corresponding button. You can also switch back to the main page. To access the main page, press the "Speakers 1-4" button.
Secondary Page

Speakers First On First Off

It is useful to understand the sequenced behavior of the speaker switches. They operate in a "first on, first off" manner. This behavior is a feature of the speaker switch so that amplifier loading can be kept to a manageable and safe level. This avoids damage to the amplifier. The option "Maximum Speakers" (found in the General Setup - Options. section) can be set to a value from 0-7. Values 0 and 7 allow all speakers to be active at the same time (simultaneously on). This setting should not be used unless you have an amplifier powerful enough to drive all 7 speaker pairs simultaneously. Setting set to 1 means only one stereo speaker pair may be turned on. This is by far the safest setting. The default setting is 2. This allows a maximum of 2 speakers (stereo pairs) to be on at any one time. This is a very safe mode. It is unlikely that two pairs of speakers would cause damage to the amplifier. Settings from 3 to 6 can be used only if the amplifier is capable of driving 3 to 6 pairs of stereo speakers at a time. When a speaker pair is turned on another speaker pair is turned off. The order with which speakers are turned off matches exactly the order with which the speakers were turned on. For example, if the maximum speakers setting was 3 and 3 speakers were turned on in the order of 2,4, and 7. Then turning on a fourth (4th) speaker would cause speaker 2 to be turned off. And then, turning on another speaker would cause speaker 4 to be turned off. This seqeunce is known as a "round robin" or FIFO (first in, first out) process. In the speaker switch case, it is "first speaker on then first speaker off".